Kevin, a former DJ from The Idols, is in charge of the Saints’ heists. Neenah, the Saints’ driver, hails from Los Panteros and has skills as a mechanic.

Three gangs rule the roost in the fictional city of Santo Ileso – Los Panteros (known for fitness and cars), The Idols (who are all about the nightlife) and Marshall Defense Industries (which uses high-tech weapons). The goal: Take out the competition, build a criminal empire and rule the underworld. It’s not long before they team with the disgruntled members of other gangs and decide to strike out on their own, forming the Saints. Instead of starting out as a gang leader (or the President in the midst of an alien attack), The Boss works at Marshall Defense Industries, trying to make ends meet.

The Boss is once again the star but their rise to the top is a little different this time. There’s still plenty of mayhem and hijinks to embrace so let’s take a look at what you should know before it releases on August 23rd for Xbox One, PS4, Xbox Series X/S, PC, PS5 and Google Stadia. However, instead of a full-fledged sequel, the new Saints Row is a reboot with a new setting, cast and more grounded approach. Or Agents of Mayhem), the Saints are back.

Almost nine years after the release of Saints Row 4 (we don’t talk about Gat out of Hell.